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The Mackay Homeschool website is designed and operated by Clinical Training Solutions Pty Ltd., which includes collecting the membership contributions on behalf of the group.



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Mackay Homeschool Community Value Statement 

We are respectful of other parents/carers and children. Everyone in the group feels valued, safe, and is  treated with dignity.  

INCLUSIVE Any families based in the Mackay region who are homeschooling and share these values are  welcome – whatever their learning approach. This is a space to share your homeschool experiences, skills  and interests.  

RESPONSIBLE Parents/carers are responsible for their own safety and the safety of their children.  Parents/carers must actively supervise their children, especially in these situations: with younger children,  in higher risk activities (e.g. swimming) and during workshops.  

SAFE No physical violence, insults, racist language, swearing or foul language, gossip, or destruction of  property. No ongoing deliberate behaviour that harms others – both direct and covert. 

No sexually suggestive comments or jokes, unwanted physical touch, sharing inappropriate media (eg X rated videos), engaging with children in a secretive way, attempting to directly contact a child without  parental permission or behaviour that would be considered grooming.  

RESPECTFUL If a child is disrupting an activity (e.g. behaving violently or experiencing big feelings) parents  will move to a safe space with their child to assist them and then join the activity again when they are  ready.  

Do not take photos/videos of other people or share photos of others online without their consent.  We ask that events shared in this group do not get shared elsewhere unless approved by administrators. 

The Mackay Homeschool Community online spaces are is for events and discussion related to  homeschooling. This is not a space to advertise or promote businesses.  

OPEN Parents/carers will address issues (with their children if appropriate) by acknowledging responsibility  for any harm and agreeing on how to interact in future.  

If someone is in immediate danger, any person in the group can take necessary action to prevent harm. If a  child was involved, communicate with the child’s parent/carer about the incident.  

CO-OPERATIVE If children cannot resolve a conflict, the parents/carers will discuss the problem with the  other child’s parent, and not directly with the other child.  

Parents/carers will address problems directly with the person involved, preferably in person (not using  text/email). Please address the specific issue by describing the problem, without attacking the person.  Consider taking another adult with you into the conversation to help you resolve the problem. There are  many members in the group who are skilled in conflict management and non-violent communication who  you can call on.  

Membership is conditional on your agreement to our values.  

Members who do not follow our values will be asked to leave the group and removed from the online  space.

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